Burnham Sports CC News story


01 Aug 2014

Hi guys,
a recurring problem for our captains/selectors is knowing who is/is not available. We have 30+ players at the club and it is not fair/necessary that each player should be contacted to find out if they can play any given weekend.
Please update your AVAILABILITY on the website on a regular basis. Our captains (super administrators) are instantly able to see who is/is not available any given match day. It makes life a lot easier.
If you have forgotten your logon details, get in touch with Andy, Maisy, Greeno etc.
Throughout 2014, we will be looking to pick teams on a Monday night by using the information provided on the availability chart.
1.  the first instance, available players will be chosen.
2. If we are still short, those players who are 'unsure' will be selected and told of the circumstances.
3. If we are still short after that, we will ask all those players who have marked themselves as 'unavailable' if they are able to change their plans
Many thanks and don't delay - update your availability now!!
PICTURE CAPTION: Kylie Minogue is single and, therefore, is AVAILABLE.