Burnham Sports CC News story


11 Jan 2012

Five more fixtures arranged since my last ramble.
We have two pre-season Saturday friendlies - away to Hatfield Peverel (smashing ground, April 21) and then Great Totham (small ground - vital for those who take winning the 6-hit trophy seriously, April 28).
Our remaining Sunday league matches (against Hatfield Peverel and Bentley) are also up. We have nine fixtures in this sphere.
I propose holding our annual beach day on June 3 (the tides fall perfectly and groundswoman, see picture, has been notified) and suggest we hold our Over 40s versus Under 40s game on August 12 (vacancy that day). The latter date is not, as yet, set in stone, but try and keep it free.
I'm afraid still no AGM date or presentation night date. We'll get there eventually.
All the best,