Burnham Sports CC News story

*Dates for your Diaries*

14 Mar 2018

Hi All


Some dates for your diaries:-


Monday 19th March - 7.30pm Sports Club AGM. Kings Hall (behind Con club). Please attend if possible to vote on matters that may affect our club, plus a new Chairman needs to be elected and a cricket representative to attend Sports Club meetings.


Saturday 24th March - Tractor training at the ground starting at 10am. We have to cut the grass ourselves now - the more people we can get to drive the tractor the better so we can get a rota going, please come if you can. (Subject to the weather of course, will be rearranged if ground is too wet/soft)


Friday 30th March - Sight screen finishing day and ground tidy up, 10am at the ground - again subject to the weather.