Burnham Sports CC News story

Issue with MDC

24 Feb 2020

Ladies and gentlemen

This is a brief note to describe the current problem that we have with Maldon District Council, about which some of you may be aware. 

The issue at hand is that MDC are refusing to pay the £850 required to pay for two people from Places for People to keep the building open from 6 pm to 8 pm on Saturdays such that we can change and shower in it after the game. This has in fact been a problem for about 10 years now but has, in recent years, been resolved without much of a problem. The issue arises because MDC inserted an apparently anomalous clause in their contract with PfP allowing closure at 6pm, creating an issue for the cricket club when it should be no concern of ours. 

In the late 1980s, an agreement was reached between MDC and Burnham Sports Club that allowed for 'priority' use of the facilities when they were required by the Sports Club; however, the wording used was so loose that it contained many loopholes which are able to be exploited by MDC. 

Also, said agreement contains no reference to payment for use of the facilities, but MDC, for the reasons given above, has decided that it is our responsibility to pay for the facilities to remain open. 

Sue has been corresponding with Maldon Council on this matter, and Sue and I also met with John Whittingdale MP recently to ask him to intervene; we await the result of this meeting. 

I was at pains to point out to Mr Whittingdale that this is a potentially existential crisis for the Cricket Club. I told him that we could not and should not have to pay, and that it is a nonsense that we cannot simply lock the building ourselves when we are finished.

What happens from here is of course still unclear but we will probably end up having to have a club meeting to decide whether or how we carry on, assuming that we do not pay this money, and MDC refuse to yield. 

All of this is a sad reflection on our local politicians who ought to be doing everything in their power to make life easy for organisations like us, rather than the opposite. Regrettably this is the situation we find ourselves in but I will send more information as and when it becomes available. 

For now it's business as usual so please come along to the nets on Tuesday evenings at Ormiston Rivers. 
